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Brand: Datel / Product SKU: 281

THE ULTIMATE CHEAT SYSTEM FOR 3DS™ (2DS) PowerSaves™ is your key to blow your 3DS™ games wide open! Giving you access to amazing cheats and enhancements for all the biggest 3DS™ titles!! Simply plug the PowerSaves™ gameport into an internet enabled PC to download custom created power saves directly onto your installed chosen game cartridge! Once you’ve transferred your selected saves, load your game and get ready to play your game like never before !! Give yourself the edge with Max Lives, Max Health, Max Weapons, Unlocked Vehicles / Levels and more. PowerSaves™ are available for all the latest and greatest 3DS releases. Datel code creators are always hard at work on the latest 3DS™ titles, so even the very latest games will be trained and power saves created within hours of hitting the shelves.

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Goldhill is the UK distributor for all Datel Gaming Accessories.

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